CARE stands for Communication, Action, Restoration, and Encouragement.

A group dedicated to addressing the many needs of our own Church community. This team is a vital component in the nourishing of our people.

What We Do

-When our team learns that one of our own is in the hospital, we, as a team, visit them regularly, send cards, assist with their needs at home, and, of course, add them to all Church prayer lists.
-In the case of a crisis (accidents or deaths, for example) we arrange visitation, set-up meal trains, and organize prayer. 
-For those covenant partners who are financially challenged in our Church (and have previously asked family for help), we can setup assistance monetarily (this is usually a one-time distribution), while also involving those individuals in budgeting classes to assist them in better management of their finances going forward.

In addition, we make sure that all Crosstowne Small Groups are aware of any needs of one of their members, and encourage the group to assist along with the CARE team with meals and physical assistance (grocery shopping, yard maintenance, childcare, rides, etc.)
If you are interested in being part of the CARE team, we invite you to join us in assisting our church community and to Be On the LookOut and identifying those in need and exactly what type of assistance they need. From there, we will have you assist with the functions listed above— we will find where your gifts will be best utilized—whether doing home/hospital visits, helping with needs at home, or simply preparing a meal or two. We are always in need of help!
If you have any questions or would like to join the CARE team, contact us.