“Jesus replied, ’You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
— Matthew 22:37-40
Missions Vision
That we, as a church, would not be limited to four walls, but would live out The Great Commission by becoming the "sending of God" to our families, workplaces, communities, and world.
We live this out multi-directionally
INWARDLY to the Church / LOCALLY to the Community / GLOBALLY to the World
Our Global Missions

We sponsor children around the world through the donations we receive from the coffee and baked goods we offer in our café.
Our Local Missions

We are a local mission that participates globally in events and mission trips for the Persecuted Church.

We host an annual Back to School event for the foster children of the Bair Foundation to provide school supplies for every child, as well as, inviting the leaders to various events/services throughout the year to raise awareness of the vital need for foster parents.
Our Inward Missions
We first strive to meet the needs of our Covenant Partners, who are in community with us, through various small groups, and ministries. We believe that there are great blessings and promises for those who align themselves with Christ, and in community.
These lists are not exhaustive, but examples of how we extend our reach to others. We are people in progress desiring to show the world the amazing Love of Jesus through our words, actions, and our lives.
These lists are not exhaustive, but examples of how we extend our reach to others. We are people in progress desiring to show the world the amazing Love of Jesus through our words, actions, and our lives.